Raw Flaxseed Crackers (Dehydrator Recipe)

The finished product is being shown here as a substitute for bread. It has a Lemon Asparagus Cashew Spread between it with some red onions, for that recipe click here.Image

You will need a dehydrator and a teraflex sheet to make this. I’ve read some places that people just use parchment, so feel free to try that if you don’t have that sheet.  I use a Nesco Dehydrator, and mine comes with one sheet.


I really wish I had read this on one of the handful of websites I perused searching for a good flaxseed cracker…. when making this recipe, be sure to clean the flaxseeds out of your blender/food processor, and off of anything they came into contact with.  When flaxseeds meet water, they become GLLUEEEEEE… god it took forever to clean my blender.  So don’t make my mistake and at least rinse before you move on.


  • 1.25 cup flax seeds 
  • Water
  • Herbs of your choice ( I used parsley and italian spices )
  • Optional: Lemon
  • Optional: I used sun dried tomatoes (I’m not sure how raw these are technically, but most people seem to accept them as raw… but you can use just tomatoes if you’d like to play it safe)

* Feel free to experiment and throw in other things like garlic, onions, chili pepper, anything to add flavor you’d like. But to make the most basic flaxseed crackers, you only need the first 3 ingredients.


  1. I used a blender, and it worked just fine (nothing fancy). Throw in the flax seeds, (this measurement is based on the fact that I used 1 cup, and wished I had just a LITTTLE more mixture). Add about a cup of water, Herbs, Lemon, Tomatoes and anything else you want to add.  Blend on low to get it going, then up the speed.  
  2. Look to see how its going, add water as needed to reach a spreadable consistency.  I had to keep adding a bit of water until it smoothened out a bit. You want it thin enough to spread, but not so watery its loose. Scrape sides as you blend to keep it consistent.
  3. Remove from blender and spread onto your Dehydrator sheet. This is easiest with your bare hands.  I found it was helpful to wet my hands occasionally as it prevented the mixture from sticking to me, and made it easier to spread.
  4. Slowly work the mixture out into a flat even surface as thin as you can.  Thicker is fine, but it will take longer to dehydrate. This is what mine looked like : Image
  5. Put it in the dehydrator and set it for 110.
  6. After 2 hours at any time (or until the crackers are firm enough to flip), run a spatula under the crackers and flip. At this time it might be a good idea to take a butterknife and score them into the shapes and pieces you want.  This isn’t necessary, but if you want them to be consistent, they’ll break perfectly if you score them.
  7. Dehydrate until desired crispness. I did it for about 6 more hours, and they were plenty crisp.
  8. Finished!